
Showing posts from August, 2010

Tragedy for Dummies

I was talking to someone about tragedy the other day -- tragedy in the classical and/or Shakespearean sense, not as in its modern-useage sense. We came to the conclusions that: a) artistically, esp. in film and in literature, tragedy is far more moving and impacting than comedy or drama is, and b) it's not so popular with modern audience (esp. film-goers) because we'd rather not think/feel too deeply; we just want to feel good -- hence, the "feel-good" movie. We also defined tragedy as the story of someone doing something dumb and the devestating consequences it has. I guess, from a classical point of view, you'd add "when the stars line up just so" or, since we're doing Tragedy for Dummies, when fate lines up all its ducks in a row. We went on to talk about modern dystopic stories in which the protagonist lives to win the day with the leading lady on his arm knowing that tomorrow will see the dawning of a new utopia. Contrast this to classic dysto...

David Adams Richards

I think I've just found a new favourite Canadian writer. Speaking of which, Guy Vanderhaeghe has gotta be due for a new book! I just finished reading David Adams Richards' The Friends of Meager Fortune (which is the name of a character in the novel, by the way). Great book. Here are a few quotes: "The idea that failed men lose their wives is partially true -- many drive them away, feeling unworthy." "You cannot love the soil where your soul was mocked by lesser men." " have rid themselves of God and are famished, and therefore do terrible things to make such famine go away."