Go Set a Watchman

I've just finished reading Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman which I'd put off reading it until just recently. Even before all the bad reviews, it seemed to me like the book was a cash/publicity/marketing grab by the publishers. You've always got to wonder why something wasn't published way back when. Why did the author and/or publisher sit on it for decades? The answer is usually simple: it wasn't that good. But mainly, I didn't want to read Go Set a Watchman because I didn't want to ruin the special place To Kill a Mockingbird has in my heart. My main takeaway after having read it -- and after reading a few reviews -- is that it's sad that Harper Lee didn't write more/publish more. She obviously had a gift. If nothing else, Watchman confirmed for me, at least, that Mockingbird wasn't a fluke. Lee had a rich, deep, measured voice in a dark time of American history that would have been a welcome inclusion to the canon of 1960s civil...