
Showing posts from September, 2016


Rocco Maiolo ‏ @ roccomaiolo "Immature religion creates people who know what they are against, but have a very poor sense of what they are for." Richard Rohr Richard Rohr Meditation: Sharing in God's One Spirit http:// 1D05B9   … 0 retweets 0 likes "What you see is what you are." Richard Rohr 8:57 AM - 7 Aug 2016   St. Catharines, Ontario "Human beings never behave more badly toward one another then when they believe they are protecting God." - Barbara Brown Taylor "True religion is not trying to make human beings spiritual.... Great religion is trying to make human beings human." Richard Rohr 0 retweets 1 like "...most problems are psychological and most solutions are spiritual." Richard Rohr

Retirement 101

It’s 2:16 PM on a Tuesday, September 6 after Labour Day Monday and I’m not teaching. Second time in 30 years. The first time was three Septembers ago when I was doing chemo. I was told by someone that I should do something “special”, something out of the ordinary on the Tuesday after Labour Day. I had some thoughts: do a 9 AM driveby at the last school I taught and honk the horn... Do breakfast with some other retired teacher friends… Pull a lawn chair up in front of my former school and smoke a stogie… I have a friend whose mother was a teacher. For years she and her friends took a boat out on the harbour -- their school was close to water -- and rang the bell at 9 AM. I settled for going to cafĂ© to read -- Joseph Boyden’s Three Day Road -- and blog. Nobody believes me, but I’ve been thinking about all my teacher friends leading up to today. I wish them well. My daughter asked me if I was sad. A tiny bit, yes. But mostly I’m excited to do some things that, for ye...