How do you know what you don't know?

Lately I've seen a couple of things on Facebook to which I've had a predictable reaction given my worldview. The above parody: a man comes into the police station after being mugged at knife point. The female officers intimate that maybe he was asking for it because he was dressed so well and he didn't scream. My thoughts/reaction: funny but a profoundly true comment of gender discrimination. And then there was this floating around a few days ago: Short version of the above : a male employee accidentally -- then intentionally -- swaps email signatures with a female employee. Both are shocked at the worse/better treatment they receive based purely on gender. My thoughts/reaction. Wow. Sexism strikes in 2017. I recall a female co-worker's story of being bullied by a male boss. I remember thinking at the time, he did what? He said what? He never treat...