
Showing posts from July, 2019

Reading "Books" Again

Could it be possible that I read better, more, and deeper when I have an old school real book in my hands? I used to read like a fiend when I was younger -- somewhere between forty and fifty books a year. In recent years, it's been between twenty and thirty. I found several things had been happening in recent years (even after retirement): I was only reading at night; I was reading mostly electronic versions (Kobo); my power of concentration was greatly diminished; and I was reading mostly fiction. Could be age, less brain power...? Nah... So in the last few months I've been reading good old-fashioned library books -- it's amazing what a two or three week deadline with the threat of a ten or twenty or  thirty cent fine will do to your reading quota :) Not only have I been reading more, what I've been reading is sticking better. And just to prove it... I thought it'd be fun to do a brief review of the last few books I've read, so here it goes: Lethal Wh...