Station 11 by Emily St. John Mandel -- a very good read

The inside-back of Ms Mandel's book jacket reads that she's a staff writer for The Millions . I'm sure the readers of this publication appreciate this, but I for one would love for her to write more novels. Thankfully, her new one is due this October of 2020. Station 11 is one of the best books I've read recently. It reminds me a bit of The Walking Dead . And like The Walking Dead , I find myself telling people, yeah, it's a zombie show, but it's not really a zombie show. Similarly, yes, Station 11 is a post apocalyptic novel, but it's not really a post apocalyptic novel. It's so much more. It's about art, and love, friendship and survival. The travelling orchestra/acting company has a quote painted on its caravan: "Survival is insufficient." It's a quote from a Star Trek Voyager episode. At the risk of sounding ageist, two things strike me most about this book. One, how is someone so young, so wise and insightful into all sta...