Can Someone Recommend a Church that still Teaches the Bible?
Over the course of a few days, I heard/read inquiries/comments like this: At our church, we don't apologize for what we believe . And, I'm new to the area: can someone please recommend a church that follows and teaches the Bible? A few years ago when our teaching pastor dealt with the question of biblical authority, interpretation and how to read the Bible, one of the results was that some people left the church. It wasn't so much what he taught during this series -- although some took exception to that as well -- it was his approach and attitude. Which was one of: I can't possibly be right 100% of the time about 100% of all things theological, therefore... humility? It deserves to be noted that said teaching pastor who advocates humility is currently working on his Phd in theology. Some didn't like,to be reminded for example, that within any biblical tradition -- even the particular strand of, say, evangelicalism to which you be...