Star Trek Movie

I've never seen the same movie twice at the theatre because I'm too cheap. But two nights ago I watched Star Trek for the second time in one week (the first time was last week at an IMAX). Okay, maybe I'm not objective because I grew up watching Star Trek TOS in reruns on channel 29 out of Buffalo (rotary antenna reception, Zenith TV, 1972). Everyday from 4 - 5 pm.

I've seen all the movies and all the shows. And I've read a lot of the books. Apart from the fact that I've never been to a convention and I don't speak Klingon, I'm pretty much a ST geek.

Anyhow, this movie was great. J.J. Abraams took some risks (I'm guessing he had the cannon people over a barrel... I'm thinking it was J.J.'s way or no way) and man did they pay off. The casting was great, special effects were spectacular, script was good, and it's got sequels written all over it.

Go watch it; you won't be disappointed.


  1. I've never been able to get into Star Trek - not sure why. But I have seen a movie at the theatre twice in the last year and I'm almost emabarassed to say it was Twilight. It wasn't a great movie but I love Edward so I went twice.

  2. I loved Star Trek, although I still would prefer JJ Abrams to have found another way to reboot the franchise without fracturing the long established Star Trek Universe. Two co-exisiting Spocks makes my head spin.


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