The Death of Poetry...
I read an interesting article today that said serious poetry was dead or at best irrelevant -- kind of like a priest in a town full of agnostics. Which isn't to say that some people somewhere still don't write poetry, read it and discuss it. They're just an elite few -- putting it nicely -- or an anachronistic few -- putting it not so nicely.
As a teacher, I've gotta wonder if a lot of traditional forms have seen their day. I mean, this year, we were given -- that's right, "given", and that doesn't happen too often, I can tell you -- probably $1000-1500 worth of graphic novels. Why? Because it improves literacy particularly with adolescent boys. Now if I were to ask for $500 extra to purchase some Hamlet texts... well, I'm not so sure I'd get it.
And here I am blogging about it. I guess that's what we'd call irony? I'm bemoaning the death of a traditional form using a 21st century mode of communication.
Perhaps therein lies the answer: maybe poetry and other traditional forms are nearly dead, but just maybe we can bring them back with wikis and blogs and ... maybe mobile poetry?
Speaking of which, check out my class's poetry wiki at:
I know I've rambled here; to wrap up, sadly, like Latin, I suspect that if poetry dies it will "end not with a bang but a whimper."
I think I'll create a Facebook Group: Latin Lives! or better yet: Long Live Latin!
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